
725C1, MAP5, Université Paris-Cité

45, rue des Saints Pères, 75270 Paris Cedex 06, FRANCE

PhD student under the supervision of Julie Delon and Agnès Desolneux.

I study Optimal Transport, in particular Generalised Wasserstein Barycentres, the Sliced Wasserstein Distance and GMM-restricted OT.

After my studies at Ecole Polytechnique (cycle ingénieur), I took the Masters in Mathematics, Vision and Learning (“MVA” in French), where I took Gabriel Peyré’s “Optimal Transport” course. Enthralled, I took a project on A Wasserstein distance between GMMs. This led me to an internship with Julie Delon and Rémi Flamary on Generalised Wasserstein Barycentres. This internship finished in September 2022, and I am now continuing this work and branching back to GMM-OT and Sliced Wasserstein during my PhD.